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Why Does Designing a Healthy Workplace Matter?

The modern workplace is no longer just a place to do work. It has become an environment where employees can express themselves and feel at home. However, it still has a lot of room for improvement — especially when it comes to employee health. Companies are always thinking about how to make the office healthier, but they often overlook the physical space of their offices in favour of other solutions like providing ergonomic equipment, subsidizing fitness programs, or offering healthy food options in the cafeteria. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to make your office environment more conducive to employee wellbeing with minimal investment. The following tips will help you create a Commercial Fitout Melbourne that's both functional and healthy:

It improves employee health.

Creating a healthy workspace design that improves employee health is important for many reasons. It reduces stress and improves productivity, morale, absenteeism and retention rates. It also increases engagement, employee satisfaction and well-being, as well as improves safety.

Here's how:

  • Improves productivity – A comfortable work environment has been shown to increase productivity by 13%.

  • Reduces absenteeism – A survey of 3500 employees showed that those working in a poorly designed office were absent on average 1 day per month more than those who worked in a well-designed office. This equates to an annual cost of $1 billion in the US alone!

  • Increases engagement – Employees who are engaged tend to feel valued by their employer, which leads them to be more loyal and productive at work.

It increases productivity and morale.

  • A healthy office design Bendigo can reduce stress and improve employee health.

  • It increases employee satisfaction, engagement, and productivity.

  • It reduces absenteeism and turnover rates by creating a positive environment that gives employees the opportunity to make better decisions about their well-being.

It reduces absenteeism

One of the most important things that employers can do to reduce absenteeism is to create a healthy workplace. This means reducing exposure to chemicals, allergens and other indoor air pollutants, which has been shown to improve employee health and decrease sick days.

Even if you don't know exactly what chemicals are in your workspace, simply having knowledge about them can help you make better decisions about how to create a healthy workplace. For example: if you know that your employees are exposed to several types of chemicals every day at work, then limiting their exposure is probably going to be beneficial for them (and therefore also good for business).

A healthy workplace design can boost employee engagement

Healthy workplace design can boost employee engagement and satisfaction, which in turn leads to:

  • More productive employees. Healthy workplace environments support a better work-life balance by creating an environment that is comfortable and ergonomic, as well as providing incentives for employees to be more physically active.

  • More loyal employees. A healthy workplace environment encourages trust between employers and their workers, which will lead to a higher level of engagement from both sides when it comes time for your team members to decide whether or not they want to stay with your organization. This ultimately leads them to stick around longer than their counterparts who aren't experiencing similar benefits from their employer's efforts at creating a better culture for all their staff members!


A healthy workplace design is one of the best ways to create a positive work environment for your employees and also show that you care about their wellbeing. We hope this post has shown you why it's worth investing in your employees' health, not just for their sake but for yours as well; the more engaged and productive they are, the more likely they'll be able to grow with your business.

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