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  • Writer's pictureOffice Vision Fitout

How to Create a Modern Commercial Fitout That Attracts Top Talent?

A well-designed and executed commercial fitout is key to attracting top talent in today's competitive job market. However, with so many options out there, it can be tough to know where to start. In this post, we'll give you a few tips on how to create a modern commercial fitout Melbourne that will make your business stand out from the competition.

Define your company's image

When it comes to designing your commercial fitout, you first need to think about your company's image. What do you want your business to represent? What kind of atmosphere do you want your employees to work in? What impression do you want to give your clients?

Once you have a clear idea of your company's identity, you can start to think about the style and feel of your commercial space. Modern, minimalist designs are popular right now and can be very effective in attracting top talent. However, if that doesn't align with your company's image, then go with what feels most natural and representative of who you are.

Consider the needs of your employees

When creating a modern commercial fitout Melbourne, it's important to consider the needs of your employees. Today's workforce is a young, diverse and mobile group. They're used to an office environment that is open, flexible and efficient. To attract and keep the best talent, your business needs to provide an office space that meets these expectations.

Consider features like open plan layouts, communal spaces and breakout areas when designing your fitout. These features will encourage collaboration and creativity, while also providing employees with the flexibility they need to work productively.

Design for collaboration and creativity

When it comes to designing your commercial fitout, remember that you're not just creating a space for your employees to work in, you're creating a space for them to collaborate and be creative. Think about ways you can create open spaces that encourage collaboration and creativity. This could mean installing meeting tables and breakout areas, or using bright colours and interesting textures to create a fun and inspiring workspace. Whatever you do, make sure you design with your target audience in mind. This could mean installing comfortable workstations for millennials or designing a sleek and stylish space for top talent.

Incorporate natural light and greenery

Adding natural light and greenery is a great way to make your workspace feel more inviting and comfortable. Not only will it make your employees happier, but it can also help to boost productivity. The best way to achieve this is by incorporating large windows into your design or by using plants as décor. Greenery has been shown to improve air quality, which is vital in a busy office space. Not only that, but plants can also help to reduce stress levels and create a more calming environment.

Choose furniture and finishes that reflect your brand

When it comes to choosing furniture and finishes for your commercial fitout, it's important to keep in mind what type of message you want to send to your target audience. Do you want to come across as modern and innovative? Or maybe sleek and professional?

Whatever the case, make sure the furniture and finishes you choose reflect your brand. This will help create a cohesive look and feel throughout your space. It will also help attract top talent who will be drawn to your company's unique aesthetic.

Add personal touches to make it feel like home

It's important that your commercial fitout feels like a comfortable and inviting space for both employees and customers. You can do this by adding personal touches that make it feel like home. One way to achieve this is to add plants. Plants not only improve air quality, but also help to create a more relaxing and calming environment. They can also be a great source of inspiration for employees, providing them with a little bit of nature in the workplace. You can also add artwork or photographs to personalise the space. This will help to make employees feel more comfortable and at home in their workspace. It will also show customers that your business is thoughtful and cares about the people who work there.


If you're looking to create a commercial fitout Melbourne that will attract top talent, it's important to think about the overall look and feel of the space. A modern, stylish space will make your business seem cutting-edge and appealing to young professionals. By using high-quality materials and by focusing on functionality, you can create a space that employees will love working in.



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